Some operating systems may also classify some exceptions not related to access violations, such as illegal opcode exceptions, as general protection faults, even though they have nothing to do with memory protection. This exception occurs when the processor detected one of a class of protection violations called general-protection violations. If Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, In general, memory that is not allocated should not be written into.

Fault currents now include all faults i.e. Found inside – C 4.4 Fault protection C 4.4.1 General and omissions BS 7671 has new terminology for fault protection. Words with a letter sound at the start but not the letter. 2.1 I'm receiving a General Protection Fault interrupt immediately after returning from my first interrupt 2.2 I'm receiving EXC9 instead of IRQ1 when striking a key?! General protection fault! Request for identification of insects on Brussels sprouts. This could well cause a general protection fault, as the value of the pointer could change such that it points outside of valid address space, dereffing such a pointer would cause a general protection fault.